Monday, January 11, 2010

A Few Things on my Mind

Okay so I have a couple of things on my mind.  Well a lot actually but I am only going to talk about a few.

First of all when I did the post about the things I don't like I was not in the mood to care if I offended anybody or not.  I now realize I was wrong to have this attitude and I do appologize if I offended anyone.  While yes there are people I know that I do not like, I realize that they are probable not going to change so I need to start praying that I myself change and then maybe the fact that though these said people are not people I will never call friends I may learn to like them.

Second for those who do not know we here in Humboldt County, California suffered a 6.5 earthquake on Saturday.  I am a reader of the local Craigslist Rants and Raves.  Now you might be asking what one has to with the other.  Well, I am about to tell you.  Soooo after said earthquake the next day I was perusing the Rants and Raves and someone posted about how Jesus must have made the earth quake to punish us for Global Warming.  The posts about this went on and on. Some for Global Warming some against it.  Name calling and all.  But when one poster had the audacity to write that JESUS WAS GAY!! I was utterly appalled.  Of course I had to post a response to this.  How in the world could anyone ever think that Jesus was gay?  He was and is the only perfect man to ever walk the face of this earth.  For those who don't believe me try walking on water or try raising from the dead after you were crucified.


  1. good job, Ammi
    I think God said that revenge was His- I wouldn't want to be in their shoes....

  2. I'm so proud of the spiritual growth I see in you. Keep up the good work sis.
